Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with AJ Ashton

Book Title:  Outcast Origins

Released:  12/22/22

Genre:  High Fantasy

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Outcast Origins”?

Ashton: Okay, I have always been fascinated by vampires and werewolves. I remember having this image in my head of Lara. She was this formidable woman standing there holding a sword after fighting off monsters. I wasn't sure what story would develop but knew she had to have one. I then had the scene of her father's death as a dream and from there Outcast Origins was born.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Ashton: With names some characters just tell me as I write them. The name just fits with the person I have in my head. With Lara it was just there the same with Carn. Where I have others in the novel that changed as I edited. Sometimes I just can't think of a name for a while so give them a placeholder till one fits.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Ashton: With my books, if you read the series you will hopefully notice the Easter eggs I have placed in there. Also with a gamer background I have developed a bestiary which you can access online that will update with my novels. I am hoping further down the road to make a book as a companion.

If "Outcast Origins" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Ashton: Well I write with a movie in my head, as I am very visual anyway. So always visualise actors in my characters roles. Lara I would cast Daisy Ridley, for Carn Jake Gyllenhaal and for Derwyn it would be Oliver Jackson-Cohen.

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Ashton: I always have more than one project on the go. So if I am struggling with one I move to another WIP. If I am really struggling I game. This helps alot as I zone out of the world and helps my imagination take hold again.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Ashton: Never think you have to write a novel in order or from the beginning. If you have a scene write it, it will then slot into the novel when you are ready. Also listen to your characters if they want to take a different route then you have planned let it play out, it might take you somewhere fantastic or a dead end.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Ashton: I love fantasy and will always be drawn to it. My favourite book is Dracula. Lost count how many times I read it. Its my go to if I want to escape for a while.

What are you working on next?

Ashton: I have written book 2 and 3 of Tarrenfall Chronicles. They are at different stages of the writing process but hoping for book 2 to be out in a few months. I also have a duology set in the same world and land as Outcast Origins. Its based on the book of legends Lara read when she was at her home.

Learn More About the Author and Outcast Origins:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/aashtonwriter?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AAshtonWriter?t=mCaG4tBFASbtyPl4lRb5JQ&s=09

My website www.ajashton.com

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