Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Alena Orrison
Book Title: Natural Disaster
Released: Pending- ARC; Anticipated Release Date is October 19th
Genre: NA Urban Fantasy ARC
Interview by Heather L. Barksdale
What inspired you to write “Natural Disaster”?
Orrison: It started with a comment my son made to me. Within moments, I had an entire premise and scene outlined in my head. This comment is in the book. No spoilers here, but it’s something Evan said to Jessica.
How did you come up with the names of your main characters?
Orrison: Jessica was a placeholder name for the MC, but then suddenly I found a spin-off story being published in an anthology, so now she’s forever Jessica. Evan is a shortened version of the middle name of a good friend I had in high school. And Zane, well, that one just popped into my head and seemed right. Sofia is in honor of a lovely woman I had the pleasure of meeting years ago. The rest are mashed from names I’ve heard over the years or taken from random name generators.
Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?
Orrison: This book was incredibly cathartic for me. It has been slowly coming together for years, and I’ve done a lot of personal growth and healing during that time. Like Jessica, I also had to learn what “control of my emotions” meant. I hope readers can recognize a piece of themselves in the characters and have hope that good things will come.
When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?
Orrison: Someone once told me that writer’s block is a myth and it doesn’t exist. I think they’re wrong. Writer’s block is real, but the reasons can vary. For me, it’s usually because I’m stressed and overly busy with regular life. So I make myself sit at my desk and pull up my files. I set a timer for fifteen minutes. For those fifteen minutes, I have to do something useful on my manuscript, whether that’s editing, fleshing out a scene, creating character profiles, or making editing notes. When the timer goes off, I’m free. But frequently, when the time’s up, I’m engrossed in writing the next part and don’t want to stop.
Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?
Orrison: Don’t stop. Find a writing group, no matter how small, and participate as much as you are able. Bounce ideas off your writing buddies; family and friends usually don’t quite understand the process no matter how supportive they are. Finally, set a goal to write each day or week and do it, regardless of whatever else comes up. Ten minutes a day is better than zero.
What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?
Orrison: I read a lot across many genres, both for enjoyment and to keep up with trends as I’m also an editor. My all-time favorite, can-always-read-anything-they-ever-write author is Anne McCaffrey. My very first chapter book outside of the limited ones in school was Dragonsdawn when I was in the fifth grade. I’ll never forget the excitement when my mom said I could have it from the book fair. From then on, I’ve collected and read everything she’s written.
What are you working on next?
Orrison: Book 2 of the Willowbrook Witches. The next MC is revealed at the end of Natural Disaster.
Learn More About the Author and Natural Disaster:
Website: alenaorrison.net
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22518092.Alena_Orrison
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlena
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentic_alena/
Linktree (to make it easy): https://linktr.ee/alenaorrison
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