Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Brendan Corbett

Book Title: The Sigils of the Moor

Released:  04/10/24

Genre:  YA Fantasy

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What is the key theme of “The Sigils of the Moor”?

Corbett: The overarching, thematic inspiration for The Runetree Chronicles is the Circle of Courage. It's a model of youth development, created by professors Martin Brokenleg and Larry Brendtro, based on how indigenous peoples in the Americas supported the positive development of youth. With the first book centered on the importance of belonging, The Sigils of the Moor emphasizes another part of the Circle of Courage: mastery, and Aeda's journey as she comes into her own.

How did you choose where to take the story next?

Corbett: My writing process involves a period of brain-dumping, just pulling all the little slices of inspiration and possible story threads, and mashing them into a document. From there, I tease out locations, plotlines, and characters that might make cohesive story arcs, whether they add to the main plot or are useful for subplots. With a rough narrative concept, I work these into an outline. For The Sigils of the Moor, I knew I wanted to take Aeda to Gieral's homeland, but also wanted to start exploring their closeness - and separation - as partners. Those two core elements, and progression of the main plot (uncovering the cause of the disappearing Historians), drove the structure and content for this book.

How do you maintain momentum when writing a series?

Corbett: Planning! Writing a series can be an intensive, mechanical exercise in determination and discipline. To keep on track, I started with a rough, one to two page outline for all four books in The Runetree Chronicles. Before writing each book, I take the rough outline and turn it into an extremely detailed outline, around a quarter of the length of the finished work, which is organized by chapter. Then it's a matter of discipline - working methodically to get things done.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Corbett: Keep at it! Managing the process of writing, publication, and marketing can be overwhelming, but with persistence and patience you'll make great strides. Few things in life are as satisfying as holding a book you created!

What book most influenced “The Sigils of the Moor”?

Corbett: Sabriel, by Garth Nix. One of my favorite books of all time, I have always loved the way Sabriel and her father are written. The reader experiences a fantastic range of emotion from Sabriel with regards to her father, and in the same vein I want my readers to experience the interactions between Aeda and Gieral as diverse and authentic.

What are you working on next?

Corbett: With The Runespeaker, the third book in The Runetree Chronicles, released this summer, I'm working hard to wrap up the fourth and final book in the series with a planned release for this fall!

Learn More About the Author and The Sigils of the Moor:

Website: https://www.authorbrendancorbett.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorbrendancorbett/

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