Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Christie Valentine Powell

Book Title:  Mira’s Griffin

Released:  07/26/21

Genre:  YA Fantasy

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Mira’s Griffin”?

Powell: The story started as a daydream. I played around with the idea of a dominant species that wasn't human and what that might look like. It didn't turn into a story idea until my main character developed a relationship with a young griffin heir, and all of a sudden the idle daydream became an actual plot.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Powell: I like to look at name meanings and origins. For this book, I used a nordic name site to give the character names a more Viking feel. Mira can mean a lot of different things to different peoples and languages, but the specific one I looked at comes from Old Slavic meaning 'peace'. Freko, the name she gives her griffin friend, is a nickname for Frederick which means 'peaceful ruler'. I wanted their names to reflect their roles as peacemakers to their warring species.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Powell: I'm a big daydreamer, and some of that shows through in my books. I'm also big into plotting, especially with spreadsheets. I may or may not admit to an obsession with spreadsheets.

If "Mira’s Griffin" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Powell: I don't really pay attention to famous actors. I think it'd be awesome to see griffins come to life, though!

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Powell: My favorite method is to pause and brainstorm. I'll free write stream-of-conscious style to figure out what comes next and how to make it more exciting to me as well as my readers. Sometimes I'll do it right in the document, but switching to paper and pen really gets my brain moving.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Powell: Find writing friends. Social media is great for this. I belong to a writing organization now and a smaller writing group. Writing can be lonely, so it's amazing to connect with people who have this in common.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Powell: I tend to read fantasy and sweet romance, which are also my favorite to write. One author I admire is Gail Carson Levine. She writes a blog of writing advice, and maintains the comment section as a safe, uplifting place where writers can connect, ask questions, and help one another.

What are you working on next?

Powell: Right now I'm working on a series of fairytale retellings set in my usual fantasy world. I have a lot of ideas, so I'm not likely to run out any time soon! They're on kindle vella as "The Spectra Crown Tales", and the first two are also up on amazon.

Learn More About the Author and Mira’s Griffin:



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