Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with CL Holmes

Book Title:  Amalina and the Secrets of the Wailing Castle

Released:  12/17/19

Genre:  Dark Fantasy

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Amalina and the Secrets of the Wailing Castle”?

Holmes: Just to be clear this book is the first in a series, so the inspiration to write it applies the story arcs that start in this one and carry through. There are so many bits and pieces that went its inspiration though -- maybe into the dozens (or even hundreds)? -- but the first was probably watching a horror movie and thinking it would be interesting to tell the story from the perspective of "just one of the victims". It evolved from there ... a lot. Since each book is meant to stand on its own, for Amalina and the Secrets of the Wailing Castle, the most straightforward story in the series, but setting up the series and its primary characters, I wanted to capture the atmosphere and tone of a classic Hammer or American International horror film, with shades of The Fearless Vampire Killers thrown in.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Holmes: I'm one of those writers who hem and haw about names. Switching them around and trading them out. Sometimes their names strike like lightning and stick, because they just fit. But other times, it is a murky process that I'd have no way of giving a definite answer. I just keep going until the right one falls into place.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Holmes: I want your readers to know that this book is part of a series! Heh. Each one is stand-alone and a little different than the others in atmosphere and tone. Definitely wanted to get that out there if I didn't already.

If "Amalina and the Secrets of the Wailing Castle" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Holmes: I had some ideas in my head about what they all looked like as I was writing, but honestly, perfect cast? Amalina: Alicia Vikander (100% looks like how I pictured her) or Daisy Ridley (for her physicality/moxie) (both ~10 years ago); Katrina Flauna: Angelina Jolie (~20 years ago); Erik Kosche: Cary Elwes (~30 years ago); Genadie: David Bradley (of Harry Potter and Game of Thrones) (~40 years ago); Count Tepsji: Christopher Lee (~50 years ago). But since we are all on one timeline, and can’t go back in time … I just can’t say … but David Bradley as Genadie might still work …

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Holmes: I just keep writing. Not joking.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Holmes: Just keep writing. I'm not joking. I mean, why not? What happened that day. A memorable encounter. Whatever you feel like. Maybe I'll have some better pro tips if I somehow make a breath-through and become internationally successful. But for now, though, writing’s the thing ...

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Holmes: I love every genre ... again, no joke. From low to highbrow, ancient to current. Picking one of anything is impossible. My absolute favorite authors/writers are, in no particular order: T.E. White, Raymond Chandler, Ian Fleming, James Clavell, Dorothy Parker, Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, Evelyn Waugh, James S.A. Corey, J.K. Rowling, Mark Twain, Langston Hughes, Bill Bryson, George McDonald Fraser, Ralph Ellison, Richard Laymon, Lovecraft, and Jack Ketchum (saved the horror for last), but there's more, I'm all over the place ... I will read anything they write (have written) and will have a good time with it. Stephen King is also a favorite, but I've been burned a few times, so a little careful when approaching a new one. Scott Lynch is my "newest" favorite.

What are you working on next?

Holmes: Finishing the "Amalina/Count" series, 4th book this spring/summer, 5th book next spring/summer, working up the audio books for the series, a graphic novel adaptation of a play (horror), ghost-writing a modern day spy thriller ... gosh, I sound busy. Maybe I'll work on taking a nap here and there.

Learn More About the Author and Amalina and the Secrets of the Wailing Castle here:


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