Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Evelyna Starikova
What inspired you to write “The Murder Game”?
Starikova: I enjoy watching the TV show “Criminal Minds” (including reruns), reading James Patterson thriller-novels in my free time and I’m an avid hockey fan, so I wished to combine them together. I also tried something new with a character based on myself (and a teacher that I had in the past who owned a book entitled “How to be Villain” and thought he was a villain, though not to the extreme as the teacher is portrayed in the book).
How did you come up with the names of your main characters?
Starikova: They are loosely based on real people and I just experimented with either changing the first or last name.
Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?
Starikova: My writing process is pretty much random and spur of the moment or when I feel like writing. Sometimes - most times - I just start writing and whatever I write (if it’s a separate story or writing) will end up becoming a part of some larger work. I feel like this question could easily become a full college essay of 40 pages.
Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?
Starikova: Write what inspires you. Just write. You don’t have to launch right into a novel idea, even if it’s writing about yourself or your day or a show or movie you watched - JUST WRITE, YO!
What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?
Starikova: Thrillers! I’m a huge James Patterson fan! I’m also trying to read other authors in the thriller genre. I enjoy fantasy too!
What are you working on next?
Starikova: So I have about five things that I’m straddling. “The Spirit Animal Experiment” is one, which is a fantasy work centering around spirit animals and big cats - it’s a stalled idea that is going to take some time I believe. The second one is called “Peculiar Legends,” which is a random thriller-fantasy that is similar to “Clandestine Singers” and is thus in the process of stall town as I try to figure out a way to further differentiate it from that series. I ALSO have a children’s book idea called “Super Competitive” centering around hockey and dragons (when I say children, I mean 3-5th graders). There’s also another K-pop-based story that is still being figured out called “Imagine.” AND, finally, I have a short-story-spin-off- sequel for “Daisy” entitled “Blossom,” which will be posted on my Wattpad account. Basically, I have a lot of ideas, but nothing too concrete yet - except for my short story “Blossom.”
Learn More About the Author and The Murder Game:
➜ Personal website is here: https://evelynakitty44.wixsite.com/evelynastarikova
➜ Avondale Series: https://avondalerulers.wixsite.com/aboutavondale
➜ Blog: https://evelynastarikova.wordpress.com/
➜ Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/evelynastarikova4717
➜ Evelyna Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/evelynastarikova
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvelynaAuthor47
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evelynaauthor47/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvelynaStarikova1747
Email: evelynakitty44@gmail.com
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