Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Granthana Sinha

Book Title:  If Shadows Could Tell

Released:  04/11/20

Genre:  Mystery/Thriller

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “If Shadows Could Tell?

Sinha: It was quite unexpected to be honest. I was working on my High Fantasy trilogy, when a sudden plot twist came to my mind and kept me thinking. I got too engrossed in that idea and the more I thought, the more I knew, it was the perfect inspiration to pen down a mystery thriller based around that twist ending. As I started writing it all down, the words flowed and soon an entire plot unfolded that led up to that shocking twist at the end.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Sinha: I put in a lot of thought when I pick or create a name for a character or fictional place. I believe a name can reveal so much and if it has a relevant meaning/back story, then it can add several layers to the one it belongs to. My protagonist is named Aurora which means 'Dawn' in Latin. With this book being both the first one to introduce her and to tell a story where she finds a new side to herself – I felt the name was a perfect fit, given the fact that it signifies a new beginning.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Sinha: I always find introducing oneself to be the hardest part, for you never know what to include or what to leave out. Each of our lives are infinite, unbroken sets of innumerable experiences and memories. And we each have so many different layers and so many different stories. The basic intro about me is – I'm a student of Literature, who finds peace, tranquility and happiness in writing and painting. Creativity is the fuel for my soul and as an author and an artist I hope my work receives the love and appreciation of all.

As for my writing process, I never follow a set schedule for writing. I feel any moment of the day, when your minds drifts back to your story – is also the right time to pen it down. There have been days where I've written a whole chapter within an hour or so; whereas some days have been anything but productive. But I always believe a story cannot be rushed. It flows in its own pace. This novel in particular, took me round about two months to pen down.

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Sinha: By God's grace, I've never experienced writer's block and I hope with all my heart that I won't ever either. Still, no matter how clichéd it sounds, I really think a balanced combo of 'persistence', 'patience' and 'writing' can eventually break one out of a writer's block.

If "If Shadows Could Tell” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Sinha: A movie adaptation is undoubtedly every author's dream. But now that you ask, I honestly can't decide! So I guess I'll leave that to the casting team and the director :)

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Sinha: Well, the day you decide to sit down and type that first word of your story – you've already taken your first step toward becoming 'the writer' you aspire to be. Just don't give up or lose hope. If you believe your stories need to be told – then never be afraid to tell it.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Sinha: Mystery thrillers and fantasy novels are my all time favorites, with books by Agatha Christie, J. K. Rowling, Jodi Lynn Anderson and Lewis Carroll being the ones I love the most. I'm also a big admirer of the immensely vast literary works of Rabindranath Tagore, even though his stories encompass several different genres.

What are you working on next?

Sinha: I'm currently working on my upcoming psychological thriller, which happens to be a standalone novel featuring another shocking twist ending. Hopefully once it gets released by the first half of 2022, I'll resume my work on the first book of my High Fantasy Trilogy.

Learn More About the Author and If Shadows Could Tell here:

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