Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with John L. DeBoer
Book Title: The Girl From Belgrade
Released: 12/13/22
Genre: Crime thriller
Interview by Heather L. Barksdale
What inspired you to write “The Girl From Belgrade”?
DeBoer: I don't know what inspired me to write The Girl From Belgrade. The idea just came to me. Perhaps the news in recent years of Putin's enemies being assassinated had something to do with it.
How did you come up with the names of your main characters?
DeBoer: I had a number of foreign names for characters in the story, so I researched various nationality names and picked those I liked. Purely coincidental. As were the American character names.
Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?
DeBoer: Writing novels is a second career for me after retiring from a medical career in general surgery. Always enjoyed writing, and now I have the time to do it!
If "The Girl From Belgrade” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?
DeBoer: Good question! Hmm. For the antagonist, I'm thinking Ryan Reynolds. For the main antagonist, how about Emma Roberts? For the love interest, I suggest Victoria Justice.
When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?
DeBoer: When I get a writer's block it's usually because I can't figure out what a character will logically do next in order to get where I want them to be. I just keep thinking about it, usually in the shower or before falling asleep at night. So far, it's always come to me eventually, thought it might take several days.
Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?
DeBoer: Write what you're comfortable with and what you'd like to read yourself. A reader will sense if you stray beyond your comfort zone.
What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?
DeBoer: My favorite genre, and the one featuring most of my books, is the thriller category. Several favorite authors here, including Nelson DeMille, Michael Connelly, Robert Crais, John Grisham. Too many good stories from these authors (and others) to enumerate.
What are you working on next?
DeBoer: I've finished the rough draft of a crime thriller I'm co-writing with another author, whose idea it was for the series. The tentative title is One-Eyed Jack, and I expect it will be ready for publication this year.
Learn More About the Author and The Girl From Belgrade here:
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/John-L.-DeBoer/e/B007VGEWCS
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