Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Lauren Jane Barnett
Book Title: Occam’s Dream
Released: 03/01/25
Genre: SciFi Novella ARC
Interview by Heather L. Barksdale
What inspired you to write “Occam’s Dream”?
Barnett: I suppose the seed for "Occam's Dream" came almost 20 years ago. When I was 18 my parents were murdered by my younger brother. It completely destroyed my world in one single moment. It still has ways it lingers, and one of them is that I completely lost the ability to trust myself. My brother and I had been, I thought, really close, and not only did I realise I didn't know him, but I also didn't see it coming. It's something I still struggle with, and I'm fascinated by this question: how do you make decisions when you can't trust yourself? Some days I think I have a handle on it and some days I really don't. I am very lucky to have found a therapist to help and one day, walking back from a session I had this horrible thought: what if my therapist was lying to me? The one person whose trust I hadn't questioned. I had no reason to feel that way - thankfully - but it gave me the idea for a character who was seeing a therapist who is trying to keep her from discovering a truth. That became Ursula and Jill. It grew out from there. I suppose my love of sci-fi is why it went in that direction, but also because it gave interesting options as to why you would want to hide the truth from a patient.
How did you come up with the names of your main characters?
Barnett: Ursula LeGuin is my favourite science fiction writer. I have a very beloved and battered copy of The Lathe of Darkness that is maybe my favourite. I just had to dedicate a character to her. Jill and Mackenzie's names both changed a lot over time. It kind of felt like naming a pet - as their personalities developed they felt more like a "Jill" or a "Mackenzie". I'm not sure why, as I don't know if I have any friends with those names. They probably seeped in from other books.
Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?
Barnett: Occam's Dream is definitely about the emotional journey. There is a twist at the end and a mystery to follow, but a lot of the threat comes as much from what the characters do to themselves - in their own minds - as much as is about the way they maneuver around each other. but a lot of what happens is about how Ursula and Jill - though centrally Ursula, try to face finding a truth that may be better off unknown. hope the book leaves you with more questions than answers. I personally enjoy books that do that - but if that might keep you up at night I'm so sorry!
If "Occam’s Dream" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?
Barnett: Oh dear! Because I work in indie film I'm biased and my gut instinct is to have an indie actress sink her teeth into it - Emma Adelaide would be great. I love her work and she has a vulnerability that's unexpected but she's also can be a blank slate, which is what Ursula is to herself. However, someone versatile like Tatiana Maslany or Stephanie Hsu would be spectacular to watch grapple with everything Ursula is going through.
When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?
Barnett: I have a typewriter I found in a charity shop, and when I get stuck I will put a piece of paper in it and start typing nonsense. Something about the sound and feel of the keys turns my brain on and the nonsense becomes words and then sentences.
Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors on how you plan your book?
Barnett: Two things you need are to keep writing and to have people read your work. Even when you know it's not ready. Having people read your work helps you get out of your head and realise what you are actually communicating and creating, which may be different than you think/expect. I'm part of a writers' group for that reason and it helps so much!
What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?
Barnett: Ooo. I have two great loves: Horror and Science Fiction. I could never pick between Shirley Jackson and Ursula Le Guin. I'm pleased I don't have to!
What are you working on next?
Barnett: I have a few things going on at the moment! My next script is "Darner", which is being filmed in the spring. It's a short horror film about a couple who pushes "until death do us part" to its desperate edge. That is already written, and we're in pre-production. At the moment, I'm collaborating on a script with Tom Lee Rutter (Pocket Film of Superstitions), about three mythical beings. It's early on, so I don't know how much I can say, but check out my IMDB or website and I'll have more info soon! I'm also co-writing a book with my partner, the actor/director Tony Mardon, about plant horror films called "Scream Greens". That one's non-fiction and is so much fun to research!
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