Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Mary Ann Trail

Book Title:  Their Winter Burn

Released:  01/19/23

Genre:  Historical Fiction/Romance

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Their Winter Burn”?

Trail: I had been interested for some time in bringing my characters to the States. I love traveling to places where I set my books and I knew traveling in England was getting more problematic. I was hoping setting a novel in States would reach more readers and I knew the background so research would be easier. Then there is the personal angle. I have family in Boston (2 granddaughters) that I wanted to involve in the process. The two little girls in the book are vaguely based on the Boston granddaughters. They love the fact they are in the books. I interview them and we discuss how they would act in certain instances, i.e. how to face a bully, get boy’s attention, what kind of dog they would like. The last topic backfired as they wanted a horse not a dog. When they found I had drowned their parents in a previous book, there were actual tears and accusations of meanness. Setting the book in Boston gave me even more reasons to visit and include them in my explorations. Win/win.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Trail: To try to get appropriate names of the time period, I often visit graveyards and old churches. The Chinese names were very tricky and I relied on several websites that discussed the topic of Chinese designations.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Trail: I cannot think of anything brilliant about me that readers might want to know except that I really care about whether they enjoy the books and if so, what they liked in particular. I asked a reader that once and she said she really liked the strong women. That surprised me as I had not set out to write strong women. I was trying to write characters that would face the challenges I threw at them. Strength must have bled through without me realizing it.

If "Their Winter Burn" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Trail:  Jeffrey: Aidan Turner, Poldark

Rupert Grint: Paddy

Georgina: Emily Blunt

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Trail: Long walks, floating in a pool, anywhere I can chill and concentrate usually works for me. No where that I can be guilted into housework.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Trail: I had to retire to find the time to write and publish my first book. At 72, research and writing are still my passion. However, pay attention in grammar class, if they even still teach it. Oxford commas can ruin your meaning.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Trail: Dune and Lord of the Rings. My favorite genre wavers between SciFi and surprise! historical mystery. Currently my favorite author is Nathan Lowell who also writes about the average man. His people might have skills but no royalty or silver spoons, mostly self made.

What are you working on next?

Trail: I was asked by a local historical society to base a story in their township. Egg Harbor Township is one of the largest townships in Southern New Jersey. The project appeals to my desire to interest people in history by using real events or places with a good story. Currently I am conducting research on living conditions in 1805 so I can bring Paddy to Philadelphia and the Jersey shore looking for Chadwick’s wine cargo. This will be Paddy’s time to shine.

Learn More About the Author and Their Winter Burn:


Facebook: maryanntrailwriter

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