Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Patrick Morgan


Book Title:  Realms

Released:  03/2/21

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Realms”?

Morgan: I actually had a very bizarre dream one night that led to the idea. In my dream, I was standing atop a skyscraper with a mysterious woman who was asking me to jump and insisting we’d be all right simply because of our love. There’s obviously a lot more to this book than just that, but it got the wheels spinning for me, for sure.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Morgan: This is a book where the two primary characters each have two names, so to speak—the name they’re given in this realm, and the name they supposedly have in another. While the girl in the story is very clear on this distinction—and her two names are distinct different as a result—I wanted the boy in the story to have two similar-sounding first names since he’s very confused about his correct identity. From this idea came the names David and Daniel.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Morgan: Realms is a very non-traditional love story. It’s hard to put a label or just one genre on this story. I don’t think you can call it a romance, but you can’t call it a thriller either. I suppose the best way you could describe it is as a sort of dreamy, atmospheric, romantic mystery.


If "Realms” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Morgan: I’m embarrassed to say I don’t keep up enough with the rising stars and “child actors” in Hollywood to have a good answer for this question, as the two primary characters in this novel are both teens. I would put my faith in the casting director—how’s that for an answer? :)

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Morgan: I read, I watch movies and television, and I get active with my body. One of those three things—or some combination of them—usually “unsticks” me after a while.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Morgan: Perseverance is key. It’s a cliche, but this business truly is a marathon and not a sprint for the vast majority of us. Keep writing, keep reading, and keep being your own best advocate through marketing and hard work. Eventually, it’s bound to pay off in spades. The key is not giving up.

What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?

Morgan: Fans of love stories ought to check out the works of Alejandra Andrade and Caitlin Moss. I’ve now read the debut novels of both of these talented authors, and I highly recommend each of them. Both writers are rising stars in the world of books and are certainly names to keep an eye on.

What are you working on next?

Morgan: My fourth book, HOPE’S LAST REFUGE, will be released in early November. I also released my third novel, VIATICUM, just this past July. Please do check them both out!

Learn More About the Author and Realms here:




realms done.jpg

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