Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Rhys Navarro

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Book Title:  The Astrology of Serial Killers: Volume I

Released:  04/29/21

Genre:  Nonfiction: True Crime/Astrology

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “The Astrology of Serial Killers: Volume I”?

Navarro: I've always had an interest in astrology but I really began studying it more seriously during the pandemic. I was genuinely curious to see if astrology might help explain the psyche of serial killers. The book began as part of my own personal exploration into the topic. I know different astrologers have different theories about what makes serial killers tick, but I honestly went in with no preconceived notions and no idea what to expect. I was genuinely surprised by some of the patterns that emerged. As the series progresses, I hope to explore different serial killers to see if their charts reinforce some of the conclusions in the first book, or if new patterns appear instead.

How did you come up with the serial killers included in this book?

Navarro: When writing about serial killers, there are a few "celebrities" that everyone knows about - such as Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy - so I knew I had to include them in the book. But I wanted to get a broad sample that included some lesser-known and international serial killers, as well as killers from different periods in time. I think for future books in the series, I'd like to try to include more female killers, since they tend to kill for different reasons than men.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Navarro: Astrology has its own jargon that can be confusing for people who are new to the topic. One of my goals with this book was to keep the astrological concepts simple so they'd be more accessible to readers who may not be experts in this area. I think the book provides a nice general overview in order to engage readers who are interested in the topic without overwhelming them.


If "The Astrology of Serial Killers: Volume I" were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Navarro: Funny you should mention this, we are actually in the process of developing it into a reality series now. Stay tuned!

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Navarro: I try to write a little every day, even if it's only a couple hundred words at a time. They may not be great words, but writing a horrible vomit draft is better than writing nothing at all.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Navarro: Don't wait for someone else's permission to live your dream. Just do it. The best time to start writing was yesterday. The next best time is now.

What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?

Navarro: I like books that challenge our perceptions of reality, that make us think about the world in different ways. There's magic all around us but we have to be willing to open our eyes to see it.

What are you working on next?

Navarro: My current project is called "Pluto Generations" and it's another astrology-related topic that I personally find fascinating. Astrologers have known for decades that Pluto helps define the themes of an entire generation, but this isn't as well-known outside the astrological community. In this book, I search for historical patterns to see if they support the Pluto theory. When you start looking at Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z through the lens of astrology, the results are really quite surprising. Every day, I discover something new that completely blows my mind. Hopefully readers will find this subject as interesting as I do! "Pluto Generations" will be coming out in October.

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