Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Sarah Newland

Book Title:  Extant: The Coelacanth Project Book One

Released:  9/1/19

Genre:  YA SciFi Action/Adventure

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Extant”?

Newland: Extant was largely inspired by countless childhood weekends spent on the Chesapeake Bay with my dad (you'll notice many Virginia Beach and Eastern Shore landmarks in the story) as well as a passion to empower emerging adults to question things and assume responsibility for their own destiny. It's scary enough leaving home and finding your way in the world, yet it's even scarier as you begin to realize that those who have been leading you may not have had all the answers. It takes courage to ask questions and find your own way, especially when the path you want to walk does not match the one your parental figures set for you.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Newland: The names for my main characters actually evolved throughout each revision of Extant. At first, the names all had meanings significant to the character's background or arc, however by the final draft their names were whatever fit them. Natalie is Natalie, Leo is Leo, and Chris is Chris. When I can no longer imagine them as anything else, I know I've found the right fit.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Newland: When I'm not writing, I work full time as a Licensed Veterinary Technician. I teach painting classes, love succulents, have 3 cats, and my husband and I are expecting a baby girl in December. I wear a lot of hats, and when I'm invited to speak at events it's one of my favorite things to discuss. You are more than the job you have and you can be more than one thing at once. If you want to write, write. If you want to collect rocks, collect rocks. You can do all the things, just don't forget to rest.

If "Extant" was adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Newland: This is such a hard question for me! Hmmm...okay. If Extant was adapted into a movie I could imagine Natalie played by Millie Bobby Brown, Leo by Andrew Garfield, Tawney by Zendaya, Brant by Karan Brar, Owen by Jay Baruchel, and Uncle Chris by Dwayne Johnson.

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Newland: When I encounter writer's block nothing is better than a long car ride. It gives me music, a change of scenery, and time with nothing else to do but daydream. And it works! Every single time.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Newland: I have two pieces of advice for aspiring authors. First, know that another writer's tips and tricks might not work for you. There is no magic formula for writing a book beyond the key ingredient of stubborn persistence. I suggest trying lots of tips and techniques and eventually you will find a way that works for you. Second, you don't need hours and days and weeks devoted to writing to write a book. Some of my best writing sprints are done on my lunch breaks at work, or in the fifteen minutes I have in the morning while I sip my coffee. Stick with it and use whatever small chunks of time you can find.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Newland: My favorite genre is young adult fiction with a preference for thrillers and dark fantasy/scifi. YA is such an exciting and complex genre, and I love how common themes of self-discovery and -determination remain relevant throughout our adult lives. Right now my favorite authors are V.E. Schwab and Maragaret Owen - I highly recommend all of their books if you haven't read them!

What are you working on next?

Newland: Right now I am working on the third and final installment of The Coelacanth Project series. The journey that starts with Extant and continues in Chymist will conclude with Regent in 2023! All secrets will surface, and all questions will be answered. I can't wait to share it with you!

Learn More About the Author and Extant here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahnewlandwrites/

Website: https://www.sarahnewlandbooks.com/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19370865.Sarah_Newland

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