Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Wendy L. Anderson

Book Title:  A Cut Twice as Deep

Released:  09/24/20

Genre:  Historical Romance

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “A Cut Twice as Deep?

Anderson: I just have always had the desire to write. The pictures and stories that play out in my head demand I write them down. I started writing poetry when I was 10 years old and decided then I wanted to become a writer. I have always made-up stories and poems in my mind. Throughout High School and beyond I kept writing, but it wasn’t until I was much older that I thought I’d take the plunge into actually writing a full book and self-publishing. Now, I can’t stop writing because I love it so much. I am inspired by the stories themselves and they keep me going!

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Anderson: I do some research on names and if the meaning of the name suits the character, I use it. Sometimes the names just pop into my head, and I just think, “Yep! That’s the name.” I’d say most of the time that is what happens, it just pops into my head although I keep a list of possible character names.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Anderson: I am predominantly a fantasy author, but I also write fantasy romance and historical romance. I am delving into YA in the future. I have a new book coming out in 2022 that begins a spin-off series to my Kingdom of Jior five-book fantasy series. Everything I write is based in the fantasy genre though. I would also like my readers to know I appreciate them reading my books and I love to hear from them, even if it is not always in a positive light. I like feedback in the form of reviews or comments and look at those as an opportunity to improve my craft. Most of all I want my readers to know I am here for the long haul. I’m going to keep writing, keep perfecting my stories and keep entertaining them with the fantasies I create. Writing is my dream. I always strive to create wonderful stories with original themes. My characters and the worlds I create are very real to me and I intend to draw the reader into my fantasies so that they can see into in my mind’s eye and walk away with a sense of wonder.

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Anderson: Sometimes when I am having trouble with a story, I leave it for a while and then return to it with fresh eyes. I keep mulling over the scene I’m stuck in and where I want the story to go. Eventually, the story opens up for me, I return to writing it and move on. Often, I start reading the whole work from the beginning, and usually by the time I get to the part where I got stuck my characters are talking again and the story begins to flow. I also start writing something completely different and that sometimes can spark creativity and I want to get back to my main project.

If "A Cut Twice as Deep” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Anderson: I could totally see Charlie Hunnam as my main character in Of Demon kind. He is perfect and would be fantastic in the role of Lorn the ruler of Jior.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Anderson: I’d say write what you want and what inspires you. Don’t follow someone else’s formula or script or subject matter. Look for originality and never give up on your dreams to write, even if people don’t like it, write because it is in your blood and in your heart. Also, just start writing and worry about the rest later. Of course, it needs to be properly formatted and edited, but the story is the most important part.

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Anderson: Fantasy is my favorite genre. There are a few authors I look up to. To a huge extent, I have been inspired by Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan the Barbarian. I would like to be as successful as Morgan Llywelyn who wrote The Lion of Ireland and other terrific historical fiction novels or Michael Moorcock who is one of my favorite fantasy authors. My favorite book would probably be Beowulf!

What are you working on next?

Anderson: I am writing a series called, “Legends of Everclearing.” This will be a spin off from my Kingdom of Jior five-book fantasy series. I am not sure how many books will be in this series, but so far, I have ideas and notes for three books, and I hope to go on from there. It is going to be an epic series with new characters and settings that originated in the previous Kingdom of Jior series, but with a different focus, tone, and new themes.

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