Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Kay Jordan

Book Title:  Through the Gate

Released:  08/14/20

Genre:  YA Historical Fiction

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Through the Gate”?

Jordan: I was looking for that story that would push me to write my first full book and it took visiting a local historical site of a castle near my hometown to inspire me. The place’s history intrigued me but I watched as younger visitors dragged their feet through the museum bored at the dusty details. If only they could see that place come alive for them somehow and it was upon exiting that I declared that someone needed to write a book about that place!

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Jordan: I took many years writing Elsie’s story and it’s hard for me to remember she had a beginning and that I even named her! She feels like a real person at times. I know at one point I used Irish baby name lists from that timeframe to inspire me. 

A funny fact about Mrs. White’s name—her last name was inspired from the housekeeper of the same name in the board game Clue. I just threw it in the first draft intending to change it, yet I never did.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Jordan: I’ve always loved characters like Anne of Green Gables, Pippi Longstocking, and even Jo from Little Women that weren’t afraid to step out of the box that culture wanted to place them in. They were bold, confident, and full of many ideas around what life was all about. And because of these ideals they often found themselves in situations (sometimes embarrassing) that would give them opportunities to grow in their knowledge of different people and different perspectives on life. So, as I created Elsie she too carried this spirit of these young women, willing to endlessly express her ideas and vocalize her opinions. Something not acceptable in a 15-year old living in 1890.

If "Through the Gate” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Jordan: Wouldn’t that be amazing? I don’t have any particular actors in mind but would love to be a part of the process of sorting through talent to find my Elsie and Tai.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Jordan: The biggest insight I remember getting that I didn’t fully understand, or want to believe at first, was that writing a book is 10% writing and 90% rewriting. Focused on trying to first get enough words written to fill a book, the idea of rewriting seemed daunting to me. I now know that the words in the first draft give me the material to then shape and form into the best version of that story I can make with it. I actually now enjoy seeing what comes with rewriting!

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Jordan: Funny enough, I mentally lower my expectations around writing—I actually tell myself not to worry, no one is going to read this anyway… it helps me to just show up and start typing anything. And it is in some of those writing sessions I’ve created unique moments that remained in my story after all the edits (and now people are reading it!).

What is your favorite genre, book, and/or author?

Jordan: I’m a fan of dystopian YA books and no surprise, historical fiction. Historical Fiction doesn’t have the biggest fan base among 11-16 year olds so when writing mine, I kept that reluctant historical fiction reader in mind. Because of course, my intent was to put history on display and wanted to make sure I kept my readers’ attention.

What are you working on next?

Jordan: I’m working on the sequel. Even though I intentionally created ’Through the Gate’ to stand alone, I always had more of the story to write if I found people were interested. Being an indie author, it’s hard to know how well readers will connect to your story and so I wanted to make sure I didn’t leave any readers hanging with a clear need for a second book just in case I never got there. But I’m excited at the reception of my first book, especially from my younger readers, and am looking forward to bringing them more adventures with Elsie.

Learn More About the Author and Through the Gate here:

Instagram: @kayjordanbc

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kayjordanwrites/

Website: www.kayjordan.ca

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