Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with P.C. Darkcliff


Book Title:  Celts and the Mad Goddess

Released:  ARC review - release date 10/1/20

Genre:  Fantasy Fiction- historical/mythological

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “Celts and the Mad Goddess”?

Darkcliff: That’s a long story—literally. Over ten years ago, I started writing a novel about immortal Celts. I worked on it for almost a decade but never published it. Since the tale spans two millennia, I recently decided to turn it into a series, with Celts and the Mad Goddess being the first installment. The book takes place in first-century Bohemia and introduces a Celtic tribe and its mortal and immortal adversaries.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process, or your book?

Darkcliff: I always write the first draft, print it out, and mark it with a red pen, which many of my writer friends find weird. Then I send the draft to a few readers to see what they think of the storyline. After that, I write the second draft, send it to my editor, and brace myself for months and months of rewriting and polishing.


When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Darkcliff: I’m a compulsive writer, and I have never had a writer’s block, touch wood. If I have been on a hiatus, it was mostly because I was in love or on the road.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Darkcliff: The most important piece of advice is to plot your stories carefully. As I mentioned before, I spent almost a decade writing my first novel, and it was because of the lack of planning. I was like a lost driver who swerved along the highway, flattening scenes and massacring characters while looking for the way to go. Now I write a paragraph-long outline for each chapter and main character—and I wrote my latest novel in four weeks!

What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?

Darkcliff: While I love writing fantasy, I read all genres, except romance and erotica. My favorite book is probably All Quiet on the Western Front by E.A. Remarque, and my favorite author is H.P. Lovecraft.

What are you working on next?

Darkcliff: I am writing the second draft of Celts and the Gladiator, which is the second installment of The Deathless Chronicle. I plan to publish an installment a year for seven or eight years. 


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