Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Rob Phayre

Book Title:  The Ransom Drop

Released:  06/07/21

Genre:  Action Thriller

Interview by Heather L. Barksdale

What inspired you to write “The Ransom Drop”?

Phayre: I spent three years delivering ransoms to Somali pirates and rescuing the hostages and vessels. Writing itself was a cathartic exercise in being able to think about that time in my life. It was without doubt very stressful and has had an impact on who I am as a person and the way I see the world. By spending several months writing I was able to put my mind in order and put that particular subject to rest.

How did you come up with the names of your main characters?

Phayre: I have worked with some amazingly talented people in my life and I had to be so careful not to actually base any of the main characters on real people. Some of the names are of friends, but one of the characters in the book was a really nasty piece of work in real life. I know who he is, and if he is still alive he would probably recognise himself in the book too.

Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process or your book?

Phayre: I used to be addicted to computer games, and then I had a wake up call one day. I switched my addiction after time though to social media, especially during lockdown. One day, I thought enough is enough. Time to get a healthier habit. And that’s when I started writing. One hour a day was all it took, and six months later I was self-publishing. Of course, now I have to focus again on Social media to get the word around!

If "The Ransom Drop” were adapted into a movie, who would you like to see cast to play your lead characters?

Phayre: I think that would be awesome. I would love to see Idris Elba play Mike. I would also love to do a cameo myself of one of the lesser team roles.

When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?

Phayre: I have never suffered that, but I do suffer from prevarication. It can take me some time to get back into writing. Its worst in the gaps between books. I can spend a lot of time thinking about the plot, but not starting to write. Once I get going though, I can complete the first draft within about three months.

Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?

Phayre: Don’t listen to that inner voice that holds you back. Have the confidence to just start!

What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?

Phayre: The Lord of The Rings. I must have read all of Tolkeins works ten or more times. Most recently, I read the whole lot to my kids. How on earth did that talented man keep track of that vast world the he created in his mind? In the days where there were no such things as computers to help him.

What are you working on next?

Phayre: My second book in the Response Files series, Jungle Heist is all ready to go and will be published at the beginning of December. I have my next one lined up too. The Insurgency will be book three.

Learn More About the Author and The Ransom Drop here:



 Twitter: @robphayre

The author is running a competition to win a free copy of either the ebook, audiobook or paperback until the end of December! Find the link at the top of the Facebook group above.

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Find it for purchase here, on Kindle Unlimited or on Audible

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