Heather’s Bookshelf: Author Interview with Samuel Yaw Jian Fong
Book Title: Mockingston Faire
Released: October 2019
Genre: General Fiction
Interview by Heather L. Barksdale
What inspired you to write “Mockingston Faire”?
Yaw: I was inspired by my visits to Comic Fiesta, an anime/Japanese cartoon festival in Malaysia. Other things that inspired my book include a fight scene from Ted 2, the fervour of the Warhammer 40k and Voltron fandoms (from Ultramarines and Abbadon the Armless, to Klance and Allura), and the various quarrels between different fandoms iI stumbled upon on the Internet.
Is there anything that you want readers to know about you, your writing process, or your book?
Yaw: I have created an entire online encyclopedia about my fictional worlds, including the alternate America where Mockingston Faire takes place. I also especially want others to check out my made-up languages, such as Gauvajut, Novantirna, Heronoi, and Sarmelonid. You can find them in the Rabydosverse Wikia.
When you encounter writer’s block, what do you do to break yourself out of it?
Yaw: If I have writer's block, I look at my favourite things to inspire me to make more works, and turn myself to write a different book.
Are there any tips that you would like to share with other aspiring authors?
Yaw: Don't worry about how long your story will take. Keep on sharing it, and keep on writing, and you will get yourself some new friends who will appreciate your beautiful works.
What is your favorite book, genre, and/or author?
Yaw: My favourite genre is science fiction because it's vast and detailed, although I tend to cross over into fantasy because I love mythology. My fave book is the Silmarillion because its beauty inspired me to create my own worlds, and its author JRR Tolkien has become my favourite and my inspiration.
What are you working on next?
Yaw: I have several stories in the making:
two girls going back in time to learn about the dark history of their country;
several Americans who ended up in the future after handling a time machine;
two boys who build a portal out of the world during the Second Civil War;
a blonde boy who joins a parade of exorcists because he loves monsters;
a blue-haired girl who helps the same boy and a farmer rescue a unicorn from terrorists;
and Hittites joining forces with several aliens and a star angel to fight extra-terrestrial invaders.
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