Heather’s Bookshelf: What Was Your Name Downriver? Tales of the Shattered Frontier

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Author:  Anthony Lowe

Released:  04/15/20

Genre:  Historical Fantasy Novella

“In many ways, Evaline still felt as though she was still in the trenches ten years on, inching toward daylight but still not quite rid of the shadows. Times like this made her feel as though she might never leave the trenches, when stars aligned in such wicked ways so as to give those old torments more weight.”

“What Was Your Name Downriver?” introduces you to Evaline Cartwright and Trivan Esterhazy after just meeting aboard a riverboat. The young women find themselves having to work together, despite just meeting, to survive the many dangers of the world that surrounds them.

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“What Was Your Name Downriver?” tells the tale of how two young women meet and survive. Evaline and Trivan find themselves in one dangerous situation after another including coming face to face with a powerful magical being who puts everyone in danger.

Yup, magical. This novella is a combination of western (think goldrush for the environment and the timeframe) and fantasy (magical beings and spells interspersed throughout the story). The combination creates a great complement to each other and makes the tale even more compelling than I think either would be on its’ own. The author also does an amazing job in incorporating language to match and combine both genres. It gives the story another level of authenticity that does not go unnoticed.

The main characters of Evaline and Trivan could not be more different. They are from different backgrounds, with polar opposite life experiences, and headed on different paths. But both women are survivors and it is in this that they find common ground and friendship.

Fair Warning: There is some adult language, murder, and reference to rape.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novella. The combination of genres is interesting, keeps the pace of the story moving along and makes the plot more unpredictable. The two main characters are similar to the combination of genres as they are very different on paper, but somehow complement each other as you delve into their story. The way that their backgrounds are revealed through recollection of past events combined with the active adventures makes Evaline and Trivan both layered characters that you want to learn more about. I do wish that more time was spent on developing Trivan’s backstory and strengths, but I suppose that is why there are sequels. I look forward to more adventures with these two.

This novella is complemented by two short stories that are also included as little bonuses after the main novella. The first takes place before the events of the main novella and follows Evaline on one of her bounty hunter missions. The second takes place after the main novella. I suggest actually reading the second short short right after the novella and then reading the “prequel” short story for a little more insight into Evaline.

I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.



This tale of a blossoming friendship is surrounded by magic and mayhem that keeps you wanting more. An interesting combination of genres complements strong characters for a page turning adventure.

Want to learn more about the author? Check out my interview with Anthony Lowe

Interested in checking out the book for yourself?

Find it for purchase here or on Kindle Unlimited

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Heather L. Barksdale

Heather Barksdale has been a physical therapist, a researcher, a military brat, and now a novelist. She has also traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia seeking adventure. She is an avid fan of historical fiction and calls upon her adventures as inspiration for her stories. She and her husband share their home in Jacksonville, Florida where she enjoys snuggling with her cats and rooting for the Jaguars.


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