Heather’s Bookshelf: In the Dark
“In the Dark” begins in Colorado with Kalea running for her life and away from an unseen enemy who kept her captive and experimented on her. She stumbles upon several men who appear more like giants and turn out to be paranormal beings intent on protecting her.
Overall, I felt a little torn about this story. It felt like two book ideas that tried to meld into one. I enjoyed the first half of the book. Kalea’s character felt super realistic in her reactions and emotions. Somehow in the middle of all her pain and fear she was still able to maintain an element of humor. Her supernatural saviors each had their own personalities and quirks which made them unique and memorable. I especially enjoyed the interactions of the twins- Wyatt and Nico. The thread to food and cooking was also a fun theme. The shopping section was a little drawn out for me, though and led into the transition into the second half of the novel. While the first half felt more dark fantasy/suspense, the second half felt like a high fantasy. The progress with trust of her saviors seemed to completely go out the door in the second half of the book, as did her humor. A lot of things that happened in the second half also felt like incomplete ideas or concepts—including the ending. I know the author is planning on a second installment, so hopefully it will answer a lot of the unanswered questions I was left with after reading In the Dark.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A story that starts with a girl escaping a terrible situation and finding special saviors turns into something that seems more like 2 books mashed together.
Want to learn more about the author?
Check out my interview with Kaelyn Buzzo
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