Heather’s Bookshelf: Miranda Writes

Author: Gail Ward Olmsted

Released:  09/08/22

Genre:  Contemporary Women’s Fiction/Legal Fiction:

“Becky, Rick and Adam: three ghosts from my past coming back to haunt me on the very same day. I pulled into my driveway, certain of only one thing.

I needed to get in front of this disaster in the making before it destroyed everything.”

“Miranda Writes” introduces former Assistant District Attorney Miranda Quinn. She’s on the verge of making it big, with her blog turned podcast blowing up into her own talk show. But as she’s about to set off on a new adventure, she’s contacted by a ghost of the past.

Miranda’s last case before she was fired was prosecuting a man accused of serial rape- Terence T. Kane. Her star witness, Becky Lewis, disappeared the night before she was supposed to take the stand and Miranda’s case fell apart.

Three years later, when another girl is found raped and Kane is re-arrested, Miranda is contacted by her former witness, Becky. Miranda soon learns what caused Becky to disappear that day. Preparing her to testify, things start going wrong. She finds her ex-boyfriend, Adam Baxter, has turned into the lead defense attorney, her house is broken into, her car vandalized, and someone’s even out to get Becky. Will Miranda figure out who’s behind the attacks and expose the whole truth before it’s too late?

Trigger Warning: violence, reference to rape, reference to murder, adult language

Overall, I enjoyed this book. Miranda is a relatable protagonist. She’s had some good times and bad, but tries to make the best out of everything. She’s on the road to potential fame, but is still grounded by everyday things like diet, friendship, and relationships. She seems to have pretty terrible judgment for someone who used to be a prosecutor, and that makes things even more interesting from a story/plotline standpoint. Miranda’s relationship with her father seemed the most meaningful and endearing within the story. There is a bit of a reveal/twist in the middle of the book that caught me off guard. It had been alluded to earlier, but so much in passing that I had forgotten about it by the time of the reveal. The pacing of the story felt natural and flowed well in a way that kept me turning pages and by the end, I felt as though I had read a full and complete tale. The ending was satisfying, tying up everything nicely without the typical platitudes and stereotypes, which I appreciated. If Miranda happened upon other cases in the future, I would love to follow her on another tale.

I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.


A fast-paced and intriguing tale about a strong protagonist and how she maneuvers a legal case that digs up her past while clashing with her future

Want to learn more about the author?

Check out my interview with Gail Ward Olmsted

Interested in checking out the book for yourself?

Find it for purchase here or Kindle Unlimited

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Heather L. Barksdale

Heather Barksdale has been a physical therapist, a researcher, a military brat, and now a novelist. She has also traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia seeking adventure. She is an avid fan of historical fiction and calls upon her adventures as inspiration for her stories. She and her husband share their home in Jacksonville, Florida where she enjoys snuggling with her cats and rooting for the Jaguars.


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