Heather’s Bookshelf: The Stalking Jack The Ripper Collection
“The Stalking Jack the Ripper Collection” follows the adventures of Audrey Rose Wadsworth, a headstrong, intelligent, and independence-seeking seventeen year old. Unfortunately, Audrey lives in 1888 London where none of those characteristics are thought to be ideal or even appropriate for a proper young lady. Lucky for her, Audrey Rose happens to be the niece of a noted London coroner, giving her access to her passion of examining human bodies for science and forensics. The stories follow her journey to discover herself and grow her passions. This review is a little different as it reviews four novels and a novella all at once. Therefore, if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read the next review until you’ve finished the previous book.
Until I read this series I found myself in a reading rut. I felt like everything I was reading was the same thing. This was something unique, interesting, and inspirational to me as a writer. I loved the protagonist and fell in love with her and her relationship with Thomas. I enjoyed the history and the science as well as the liberties that the author chose to take artistically. Overall, I loved the series and didn’t want it to end.
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