Heather’s Bookshelf: The Glass Witch

Author: Sara Raztresen

Released:  01/30/23

Genre:  Fantasy

“That got him to look at her again, and he blinked as if confused. A moment passed, and Aveline wanted to wriggle out from under those two glimmering eyes, but all she could do was look away. However, he was so bold as to touch her face and trail his icy hand down her jaw—to force her face back to him—and again, the bastard had the audacity to look at her with pity.”

“The Glass Witch” introduces Aveline, a half summer and half winter being who’s down on her luck and close to dead when the emperor finds her. He recruits her to help overthrow the Winter King by sneaking into his bridal competition.

When Aveline arrives under the guise of Lady Rachfemd, she finds King Jadrich to be all she thought he would- arrogant, demanding, and cold. The other women in the competition are eager to please him and not interested in getting to know her. Her guard, Ristef and the Unseelechs that fly outside her window are her only respite from the dangerous situation she finds herself in. But Aveline’s not a push over and she can’t hep but try to get under the skin of the king as she tries to figure out a way to kill him.

As she gets closer to Jadrich and advances in the contest, she’s torn between her head and her heart. She finds out more about herself and what she is capable of, but she’s also afraid of the king finding out the truth about who Aveline is.

What will Aveline do and will she be able to live with her decision?

Trigger Warning: violence, murder, animal death, reference to prostitution, adult language

Overall, I enjoyed this story. Aveline is a vivid and strong protagonist. Her motivations are established from the beginning of the story and her emotions jump off the page. A majority of the story is told from her POV, but there are portions that are told from others and I don’t think it added much to the story. The magic in the tale is a little different and I especially liked the part about the innernfroscherl. I also found the details about the eyes to be an interesting detail. The pacing of the tale was somewhat inconsistent with portions moving quickly and others at a much slower pace. Regardless of the pacing, the author does a great job at world building and allowing the reader to “see” many of the scenes within the tale. I especially thought the images of the grounds and the ball were well done. I found Aveline’s connection to the Unseelechs to be endearing and it showed a different side to her which was important for her development. The book ends at a strange point and is essentially a cliff hanger. However, it didn’t really end at a climax or a point in the story that felt like a natural break. The author is currently writing the sequel, so look out for more to come!

I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.


A fantasy with a strong protagonist, clear world building, and unique elements of magic. Inconsistent pacing and an abrupt ending prove challenging.

Want to learn more about the author?

Check out my interview with Sara Raztresen

Interested in checking out the book for yourself?

Find it for purchase here

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Heather L. Barksdale

Heather Barksdale has been a physical therapist, a researcher, a military brat, and now a novelist. She has also traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia seeking adventure. She is an avid fan of historical fiction and calls upon her adventures as inspiration for her stories. She and her husband share their home in Jacksonville, Florida where she enjoys snuggling with her cats and rooting for the Jaguars.


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