Heather’s Bookshelf: The Raven and the Dove: A Novel of Viking Normandy
Author: KM Butler
Released: 11/22/21
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
‘Halla pointed toward the town. “These invaders desire our land. They think they will easily kill us. But I know they will not, because the gods witness what you do here tonight. Now is the time to earn your place in Valhalla.” She drew her axe from its loop at her belt. “You are the hammer of the gods! Make them tremble with your fury!’
“The Raven and the Dove” takes place in 890 AD and introduces Halla, a Norse Shieldmaiden, great warrior, and confidant of Rollo of Rouen. When Rollo takes over one of the towns in Frankia led by Taurin, he decides to utilize Halla in an attempt to politically align the two sides.
Halla is apprehensive at first about Taurin and certainly not a fan of his people or culture, but as she observes him, she grows intrigued. Taurin, meanwhile, is most concerned about saving his people and his culture- no matter the cost. The two agree to a political marriage but also decide to make the best out of their situation. They grow found of each other and make a life together, but those around them threaten their relationship and their lives. Will Halla and Taurin be able to see past their differences and come together to make a community, a family, and an unexpected love?
Trigger Warning: violence, sexual situations, murder, animal violence
Overall, I enjoyed this story. My husband and I recently binged the show Vikings, so I was eager to read something in the same world/era. This book absolutely kept me in that realm and while it included some of the same historical characters, was clearly of a different voice/storyline. The tale is told through two POVs- Halla’s and Taurin’s which provides an interesting dichotomy between the two cultures and opposing viewpoints. It also provides insight into how each character perceives their own sacrifices along with those of their partner. Both Halla and Taurin are great protagonists. They are both strong (though in different ways), faith-based (though different faiths), and headstrong. The evolution of their relationship felt natural and wasn’t like some romances where everything seems to go just as planned. I also found some of the cultural elements very interesting within both the Norse and Christian communities. I do wish there was some more development of the ancillary characters. I didn’t feel a real connection to events that occurred when it didn’t directly relate to Halla or Taurin and would have liked to have a little more connection to their feelings about the events. That said, the pacing of the tale was good and the ending felt complete. There could absolutely be more tales about Halla and Taurin, but it ended in a way that completed their arch.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A culture clash leads to love in a Norse vs Christian era of history.
Want to learn more about the author?
Check out my interview with KM Butler
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Find it for purchase here or on Kindle Unlimited
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