Heather’s Bookshelf: Unicorn Farmhand
Author: Samuel Yaw Jian Fong
Released: 01/11/20
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
“"Your failures are not the end of you, Dokkie.” Chang Mai rubbed my mane and gave me another sweet. “There are still many days ahead when you can do something better.””
“Unicorn Farmhand” follows Dok Saau on his journey to communicate with those around him. Dok Saau is believed to be an extremely intelligent horse until it is found that he actually has the DNA of a unicorn. His owner, Chang Gao is able to complete the requirements to keep him with his family, and so Dok Saau is able to continue his mission and his adventures.
Dok Saau is caught between two worlds. He enjoys the independence and fun that he has with his equine friends, but desires the intellect and communication of his human family. He learns to write and is fitted with a device that conveys his thoughts into human language in order to communicate.
The story is written through Dok Saau’s view of the world - the good, the bad, and the hopeful. The joy he feels from the most simple of things (apples, playing fetch, or watching TV) is endearing and contagious. When Chang Gao decides to utilize Dok Saau in the tourist industry, the unicorn has his doubts but hangs in there for the sake of his family.
Trigger Warning: Animal abuse
Overall, Unicorn Farmhand is a fun little trip following a fantastical being with simple dreams of just wanting to be heard. It’s a relatable goal that many people can relate to packaged in a unicorn. Dok Saau is such a lovely and likable character. I only wish that the rest of his horse and human counterparts had more of a place in the story to shine. The last third of the story was also a little bit of a deviation from the rest and felt like a different book altogether. It incorporated some scifi elements and featured a battle sequence. I didn’t mind that portion of the book, I just felt like it was a different voice. I did like the ending and how the author wrapped up Dok Saau’s tale. This story was very unique and the author’s voice shined through nicely.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A story of hope told by the point of view of a unicorn. While the protagonist was a great character, the ancillaries fell by the way side.
Want to learn more about the author? Check out my interview with Samuel Yaw Jian Fong:
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