Heather’s Bookshelf: A Tryst in Paris (The Carousel Time Traveler Book 1)
Author: Anne Armistead
Released: 08/02/23
Genre: Time Travel Romance
“Everything about time travel confused her, including the very fact it happened to her.”
“A Tryst in Paris” introduces Mirabelle ‘Mira’ Montgomery, a young woman visiting her godmother in Paris. Mira’s on a mission to seek out antiques on behalf of her mother who’s also battling cancer back in the states. When a mysterious gift leads her to visit a landmark from her past, the Luxembourg Carousel turns out to be much more than a child’s toy.
Mira’s transported to 1900 Paris, with mysterious instructions from the shopkeeper Le Veille to “right the wrong destiny that has befallen him”. She soon meets Jacques Thibaut, a previous police detective whose career was stalled by rumors of his involvement with anarchists, and his adopted daughter Bernadette. The two take Mira in under the guise of unexplained amnesia. She believes Jacques to be the person she is to look out for and tries to get close to him while fighting her desires for more.
Mira learns much about Jacques and meets people from his past including the nurse he planned to marry, Susette before his reputation was sullied. She also happens upon Marius, a nefarious man who Mira believes is wrapped up in the mystery of her voyage into the past.
Will Mira be able to figure out Le Veille’s cryptic message in order to return to her own time and her ailing mother? Or will her feelings override her mind when it comes to Jacques Thibault?
Trigger Warning: reference to cancer related illness, kidnapping, reference to prostitution and drug use, murder, blackmail
Overall, I enjoyed this story. When I heard the premise, I was excited as I have to been to Paris, am currently learning French, and plan to return for a visit next year. The setting did not disappoint. The descriptions of some of the famous landmarks were spot on and I enjoyed learning more about the history of some of them. I especially loved the inclusion of what is now Musee d’Orsay (the clock in there and the plaster for ‘Gates of Hell’ is breathtaking). Inclusion of the fashion, arts, and individual people also felt natural and important to the time period and place. The author uses French integrated into the story well without the need to read the language and without feeling redundant in the way she incorporates the English translations. The story is told through the POV of the main protagonist, Mira, who is a likable and relatable guide through time. Her insecurities are sometimes on display as are her judgments, but she’s intelligent and legitimately both excited and scared about her experiences. The attraction between her and Jacques is clear, though I would have liked to feel more tension between the two characters as they realize and decide what to do with their desires. The mystery behind Jacques’ past does well in maintaining interest in this tale as well as pushing along the pacing. Some of the ancillary characters like Bernadette are also well-developed with detailed backstories while others like Marius were a little too one note. I enjoyed how the story built on itself and that the ending tied into the rest of the story, which felt complete (though a little bit of a logic stretch) when it ended. There was a definite opening for future tales (and the author assures me she is working on a sequel) and I would love to see what other times/places Mira encounters in future books.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A time travel tale that highlights the era and destination with a likeable protagonist. The mystery of the story overshadows the elements of romance.
Want to learn more about the author?
Check out my interview with Anne Armistead
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