Heather’s Bookshelf: The Last of the Giant Fire Lizards
Author: Christopher John Fetherolf
Released: 05/06/24
Genre: Adult Comedy Fantasy
“The Last of the Giant Fire Lizards” introduces Zephyr Ignitus as she is attacked. Her forever mate and unhatched egg has been killed and her nest destroyed, leaving her the last of her kind, a fire-breathing dragon.
Deciding her best course of action is revenge against the wizard who stole her family, she seeks the vengeance she deserves. But when her home island is also destroyed, she turns her sights on saving those now-homeless souls. Some creatures simply hitch a ride while others pledge their allegiance to Zephyr. Still others agree to help only for the opportunity to kill some humans.
This odd assortment of beings band together to form a team with the united purpose of hunting down the wizard that took away their home. Initially determined to burn down the home of the humans that helped the wizard, Zephyr soon finds everything is not what it seems… and her decisions may be what brings everything down.
Trigger Warning: violence, death, animal death, adult language, sexual situations and references
Overall, I enjoyed this story. What a wild ride! This tale has an amazing comedic tone and timing, only amplified by the exemplary narrating done by the author (I absolutely recommend the audiobook if you are able to listen to it unfiltered in an appropriate environment). There were several times I laughed out loud and several others where I was shocked by what was said…it kept me on my toes, for sure. This is especially impressive considering the rather one-dimensional plot of the story. Dragon is scorned…dragon seeks revenge. Don’t get me wrong, I felt pretty heartbroken for Zephyr in the beginning of the story and again for the other homeless beings after the destruction of their home. Zephyr herself steals the show. She’s funny, introspective, and pissed off. There are several chapters where Zephyr is just scooping up, saving, and flying around other beings. Somehow, the author manages to make them all interesting and does well in developing characters and groups of animals- giving them all independent personalities, desires, and joys. Where the book lost me a bit was in the extensive battle scenes. Admittedly not a fan of extended fight scenes, this one goes on for quite a while. There are some tragic losses along the way as well as some unexpected resolutions, but the pacing slowed down quite a bit during that portion of the story. The ending felt resolved, though it was clear there will be an additional tale.
This story was reviewed in audiobook format.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A comedy-fantasy full of surprises and an immensely successful protagonist. Emotional connection to many of the ancillary characters highlighted a tale flush with extended battle scenes.
Want to find out more about the Author? Check out the author interview here:
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