Heather’s Bookshelf: The Ultimate Serial Killer Trivia Book
Author: Jack Rosewood
Released: 10/12/22
Genre: True Crime
“Twisted minds are unfathomable and unknowable to any rational thinker, and that’s what draws us to these human monsters.”
“The Ultimate Serial Killer Trivia Book” is a true crime book structured in chapters to reflect different categories or topics related to serial killers. A majority covers different world-wide cases and the rest categorizes them by likeness (i.e.: employment).
Trigger Warning: It’s a true crime about serial killers…so…depictions of murder, dismemberment, mayhem, and all around not-so-good things
To preface this review, I received this book as a Christmas gift and I was quite excited when I first opened it. I really enjoy true crime and have written two books (both in editing) that required extensive research related to specific types of serial killers. I’ve read and watched my fair share of true crime books and documentaries and as the author alludes to in this book, I enjoy the psychology and investigation aspects of the crimes.
So, I probably am a little more familiar than your average reader. And while there were a couple of cases I had not heard of, a great majority I had, especially after reading John E. Douglas’ books (one of the first profilers in the FBI & author of Mindhunters and many other books). With the title including “ultimate” and “trivia” and descriptions on the back of the book, I was expecting some obscure information, well-researched details, or insider information (possibly from those close to investigations). Unfortunately, I didn’t find any of that here. I didn’t mind the structure of the book and found it easy to read, pick up and put back down. The writing is easy to follow and while it covers some gruesome details, I did not feel it focused too much on these compared to other details. However, I would have much preferred less cases with more research and obscure details. Overall, much more suited for a beginner in the genre.
More of a beginner’s guide to famous serial killers, touching on the psychology and science behind catching them. Easy to read format but pretty superficial in the research.
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