

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color - Post Two
Color Heather L. Barksdale Color Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color - Post Two

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how colors can help you to break through with a little inspiration from black and white.

Please check out:

Fifty Shades of Black... or White: Using Color Inspiration to Break Through Writer’s Block When Developing a Hero or a Villain

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color
Color Heather L. Barksdale Color Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color

It’s a new week and I have a new blog post for you to enjoy. In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how colors can help you to break through with a little inspiration from the color blue.

Please check out:

Requiem for a Dream In Blue: Using a Color as the Inspiration to Break Through Writer’s Block When Describing a Scene

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