

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Misfit Inspiration - Post Six
Misfits Heather L. Barksdale Misfits Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Misfit Inspiration - Post Six

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Misfit Inspiration - Post Six

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I review how to use New Year’s Resolutions as a path to realizing your writing goals and breaking through writer’s block.

Please check out:

Party Like It’s 2021:

Setting a New Year’s Resolution to Help Break Through Writer’s Block

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature Post 3
Nature Heather L. Barksdale Nature Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature Post 3

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how nature can help you to break through with a little inspiration from the winter season. Please check out:

Writing in a Winter Wonderland:

Inspiration from the Winter Season to Help Focus the Purpose of Your Story

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Travel Post Two
Travel Heather L. Barksdale Travel Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Travel Post Two

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how travel can help you to break through with a little inspiration from symbols. Please check out:

101 Poppies:

Using a Symbol to Break Through Writer’s Block When Trying to Write Character Background

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature Post 2
Nature Heather L. Barksdale Nature Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature Post 2

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how nature can help you to break through with a little inspiration from the leaves changing. Please check out:

Literary Legends of the Fall:

Inspiration from the Changing Leaves to Help Develop Your Characters

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color - Post Two
Color Heather L. Barksdale Color Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color - Post Two

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how colors can help you to break through with a little inspiration from black and white.

Please check out:

Fifty Shades of Black... or White: Using Color Inspiration to Break Through Writer’s Block When Developing a Hero or a Villain

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The Secret to Writer’s Block:  Travel
Travel Heather L. Barksdale Travel Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Travel

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how travel can help you to break through with a little inspiration from amusement parks. Please check out:

Rip, Ride, & Rockit Through:

Amusement Park Inspiration to Break Through Genre Specific Writer’s Block

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Fashion
Fashion Heather L. Barksdale Fashion Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Fashion

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how fashion can help you to break through with a little inspiration from what your characters wear. Please check out:

Chewbacca on a Plane:

Writing Ancillary Characters by Focusing on What They are Wearing, Instead of the Writer’s Block That They are Causing

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature
Nature Heather L. Barksdale Nature Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Nature

In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how nature can help you to break through with a little inspiration from a walk. Please check out:

A Walk to Inspire:

Taking a Walk to Clear Your Head and Distract You From Writer’s Block

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The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color
Color Heather L. Barksdale Color Heather L. Barksdale

The Secret to Writer’s Block: Color

It’s a new week and I have a new blog post for you to enjoy. In this edition of The Secret to Writer’s Block I explore how colors can help you to break through with a little inspiration from the color blue.

Please check out:

Requiem for a Dream In Blue: Using a Color as the Inspiration to Break Through Writer’s Block When Describing a Scene

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