Heather’s Bookshelf: Of Magpies and Men
“Of Magpies and Men” is a multiple timeline, multiple point of view novel that begins with a couple of bodies washing on shore and then continues by piecing together the events leading up to that. The two main characters (Benedict Grant and Marie Boulanger) offer an interesting dichotomy of perspectives as they seek the truth about themselves and their pasts while also laying the groundwork for the future.
Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I will say that I had a little bit of a hard time getting into the beginning of it, as I was unsure where the author was going and how it would all tie together. But the main characters of Benedict and Marie are so compelling on their own (and even more so when they are together) that I soon could not put it down. I really enjoyed how the author weaved a tale by speaking through different characters and different points in time. Each character had their own voice and added to the overall story in a way that was both refreshing and insightful. In my opinion, it was also one of the best endings that I have read in a good while.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A little slow to start, but overall a great story about love, loss, family, and the power of choice
Want to learn more about the author? Check out an interview with Ode Ray.
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