Heather’s Bookshelf: The Trial Show
“The Trial Show” follows a group of young people who have formed a resistance against the central government. Some are known and wanted while others maintain double lives in order to gain the upper hand.
Overall, I enjoyed this tale. The story is told through multiple first person POVs. I typically enjoy multiple POVs and the author does a nice job in giving each their own voice. However, there are so many of them that especially early on in the story, it leads to more confusion than is necessary. By the time I figured out who each of the main characters were and the role they played in the resistance, consequences were already in play. However, by the end of the story it works well to reveal secrets and clarify events. The story is also interspersed with memories which added a lot of clarity and character development and was quite effective in the way they were layered into the story. There are two main surprises built into the story- one is a little more obvious while the other felt more interesting and organic. The ending wraps everything up from the main tale while also leaving it open for additional stories.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A multiple POV tale about the people behind a resistance. While it starts out a little convoluted, it all comes together by the end.
Want to learn more about the author?
Check out my interview with Konstantina P.
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