Heather’s Bookshelf: Winterset Hollow

Author: Jonathan Edward Durham

Released:  09/01/21

Genre:  Dark Fantasy

“Eamon was certain that Addington Isle would be quiet and quaint and plenty cozy, as every brush he had ever seen including Caroline’s photographic history had painted it as such, but even on approach it was clear that it was a massive and mighty piece of earth that stretched for miles in every direction. The coastline was cluttered with heavy, jagged rocks and the island’s shoulders were so brawny that it was impossible to tell exactly where the shore began to turn, but the sheer scale of what lay on the other side promised so much wonder that even the rickety dock sent shivers through Eamon’s soles from the moment he set foot on the first warped board.”

“Winterset Hollow” introduces Eamon, a loner with a rough childhood who has found comradery with his friends, Caroline and Mark, and a love of his favorite book ‘Winterset Hollow’. The trio get the opportunity to pay homage to the story and their favorite characters by traveling to where the book was written on Barley Day (a day of importance to the book).

While waiting on the ferry, the trio encounter many more fans of the book and build a comradery around the story and the island. When Caroline, Mark and Eamon explore more than the shore, they find the inspiration for the story to be much more than just little garden animals.

The characters from the story are alive, human-sized, and talking. They are also preparing for Barley Day, a celebration of sorts with a delicious dinner, music, and entertainment for the guests. It’s the best night of their lives…until it isn’t. Everything is not as it seems and much more scary than anyone could have predicted.

Trigger Warning: adult language, murder, violence

Overall, I loved this story. It was insanely scary and detailed- the thing of nightmares. But it is so much more than that. As I read, I couldn’t help but think about one of my favorite series as a child- Winnie the Pooh and what would happen if they existed but were terrible and twisted in the 100 acre wood? — freaking terrifying. The author manages to tell a story about a story within a story in a way that convinces you all three are real. The story actually includes lines from the fictional book (all written in the format of a poem) which when read are at a pace which seems soothing at first and then neurotic as you continue. The main characters are well developed and interesting- and I’m including both Eamon and his friends and Runny and his. However, the secondary characters are not so well developed and when stuff goes down, I didn’t care as much as I probably should about some of the horrifying things that occurred. While the tale is dark, there is an underlying thread of friendship and family that shine through clearly. The ending included a twist and was completely satisfying from both a story and conclusion standpoint.

I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.


A terrifying tale about all the worst parts of your childhood book come true intertwined in a story of friendship, family, and loss.

Want to learn more about the author?

Jonathan Edward Durham was born near Philadelphia in one of many satellite rust-belt communities where he read voraciously throughout his youth. After attending William & Mary, where he received a degree in neuroscience, Jonathan waded into the professional world before deciding he was better suited for more artistic pursuits.

He now lives with his partner in California where he writes to bring a unique voice to the space between the timeless wonder of his favorite childhood stories and the pop sensibilities of his adolescent literary indulgences. His debut novel, Winterset Hollow, an elevated contemporary fantasy with a dark twist, is mined from that same vein and is currently available everywhere.

Interested in checking out the book for yourself?

Find it for purchase here or Kindle Unlimited

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Heather L. Barksdale

Heather Barksdale has been a physical therapist, a researcher, a military brat, and now a novelist. She has also traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia seeking adventure. She is an avid fan of historical fiction and calls upon her adventures as inspiration for her stories. She and her husband share their home in Jacksonville, Florida where she enjoys snuggling with her cats and rooting for the Jaguars.


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