Heather’s Bookshelf: Better Safe than Sorry
Author: Mike Martin
Released: 05/10/24
Genre: Adult Mystery/Police Procedural
“Windflower smiled at those words, even if they came from the mouth of a moose.
‘But we keep coming back to humility,’ said his uncle. ‘Me, you, all of us.’
Windflower grew quiet and listened a little more carefully after that.”
“Better Safe than Sorry: A Sgt. Windflower Mystery” follows Winston Windflower, a retired Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer working as a community safety officer and spending time with his family in Newfoundland. This is book 14 in the series, but the review was performed as a stand alone.
Meanwhile, Corporal Eddie Tizzard, acting inspector of the Marystown detachment is struggling with understaffing and the amount of crimes crossing his desk. First there’s an armed robbery, then a new drug invading the streets. When a young woman’s body is found, Tizzard insists on help.
Reluctantly returning to help Tizzard, Windflower soon finds himself swept up in chasing criminals and hunting drug dealers (much to the chagrin of his beloved wife). When someone close to the investigation becomes compromised and a connection to a robbery emerges, things get a bit more complicated…
Will Windflower and Tizzard solve the case, save those around them, and stay safe in the process? Or will returning to the RCMP be a mistake Windflower can’t overcome?
Trigger Warning: violence, drug references, drug-related death, illness, animal death
Overall, I enjoyed this story. I read this as a stand alone book and I thought the author did a nice job in drawing me into the characters in a short amount of time (having not become invested from the previous books). The story is told through two main POVs- Windflower’s and Tizzard’s. The two POVs were distinct and Windflower’s dream interpretation and connection to his deceased family were especially poignant. I also enjoyed the incorporation of his spirituality in his daily life and how he interacted with others. Many of the characters in this story are endearing and well-developed. I especially appreciated the relationships between married couples and their little quips in relation to their children. The mystery itself was less of a who-dun-it and more like a police procedural- following the evidence along with the authorities and seeing the suspects through their investigation. The plot and cases were not exactly mind-blowing in creativity or interest, but it’s really more a book surrounding the characters and relationships within it. It was also clear that the author is a foodie and who doesn’t like a good description of a spice blend or perfectly grilled veggie? The ending was well-done- it felt resolved while also clearly leaving the storyline open for future books. I’d love to see where Windflower, his friends, and family are headed.
I received a copy of this story in exchange of a fair and honest review.
A mystery that reads more like a a police procedural. Endearing and well-developed characters highlight a character-forward story.
Want to learn more about the author?
Check out my interview with Mike Martin
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